Thursday, July 12, 2018

Caring for your CPAP Machine Made Easy!

Your Best Anti Snoring Device Solution Phoenix, like any other commodity in the house needs to be regularly cleaned and taken care of. This not only removes unwanted dust and germs but also extends the life of your equipment as well.

So, if you have been prescribed a CPAP machine for Snoring and Sleep Apnea Therapy, chances are you already aware of its benefits, so giving a little bit of TLC will be a good idea for both you and the machine.

Some common CPAP care issues:

  • ·        CPAP machines degrade over time
  • ·        They can be a common breeding ground for bacteria, if they are not cleaned regularly.
  • ·        If you are using humidification, make sure the chamber and tubing are always kept clean.
  • ·        CPAP masks also degrade over time. This also includes its cushions and headgear, so, if you think there is a leak in your mask, it is likely that it needs a replacement.
  • ·        Most machines come with an external filter that needs to be changed regularly. This not only eliminates any airborne dust particles but also extend the shelf life of your machine.

Whether you have been using a CPAP for years or you are a beginner, here are some

handy tips to maintain your machine:

·        Every machine has a life span of about five years. The better you maintain, the longer it will last, but you need to remember that it is still a machine.
·        To maintain its best level of functionality you need to give your machine consistent care. It is vital to clean and change the filters. Disposable filters should be changed every month and non-disposable ones should be replaced at least once in three to six months.
·        When cleaning the machine, make sure you only wipe it with a clean anti-bacterial cloth. Never submerge the machine in water.
·        Replace the water in humidification chamber daily and rinse out the chamber regularly.

Your machine has taken good care of you, make sure to take care of it as well!